Seller Policy Page

Seller code of conduct

Our Online Platform enables you to reach hundreds of millions of customers. We strive to

ensure a fair and trustworthy buyer and seller experience. At Our Online Platform, we

expect you to adhere to the code of conduct principles outlined below. Violation of the

code of conduct principles may result in the loss of your selling privileges and removal

from Our Online Platform Marketplace.

Seller Code of Conduct Principles:

 Adhere to all applicable laws and abide by policies framed by our online platform.

 Maintain current account information.

 Never misrepresent yourself.

 Always act in a manner that ensures a trustworthy experience for Our Online

Platform customers.

 Never list products that may cause harm to Our Online Platform customers.

 Only Indian brands can trade on our online platform

 Never engage in any misleading, inappropriate or offensive behaviour. This

applies to all your activities, including but not limited to:

- Information provided on your account

- Information provided in listings, content or images

- Communication between you and Our Online Platform or you and our customers

 Act fairly at all times. Unfair behaviour includes but is not limited to the following:

- Behaviour that could be deemed as manipulation or "gaming" of any part of the

buying or selling experience

- Actions that could be perceived as manipulating customer reviews, including by

directly or indirectly contributing false, misleading or inauthentic content

- Activities that could be perceived as attempting to manipulate Our Online

Platform's search results or sales rankings

- Actions that intentionally damage another seller, their listings or their ratings

- Only maintain one Seller account for each region in which you sell, unless you

have a legitimate business need to open a second account and all of your

accounts are in good standing. Examples of a legitimate business justification


i. You own multiple brands and maintain separate businesses for each

ii. You manufacture products for two distinct and separate companies

iii. You are recruited for an Our Online Platform programme that requires

separate accounts

 Penalty shall be imposed in case seller trade any foreign brand and foreign

product in our online platform.

Keeping Your Account Information Secure

The security of your account is important to us because it is central to your business. We

recommend the following best practices to reinforce the security of Vendor account:1. Set up Two-Step Verification for all of your accounts. You can reinforce your

password security in this way as you are required to enter an additional code

from your phones when signing in to your account. This can greatly reduce the

risk of unauthorised access if the password is compromised.

2. Pick strong passwords that are different for each of your accounts and change

your password regularly.

3. Choosing the same password for each of your online accounts is like using the

same key to lock your home, car and office – if a criminal gains access to one, all

of them are compromised.

4. Use a long password made up of numbers, letters and symbols.

5. Avoid using publicly-available information (For example: your phone number) in

your passwords.

6. Make sure that the email address or the mobile number that you use to sign-in to

your account is up-to-date. For more information on how to change your email

address or password, see Change Login Settings.

7. If your business has multiple users, then have each user set up their own account

and then link your accounts. Ensure that you regularly review secondary users

who have access to your account and revoke access to users who no longer need


8. Review your Notification Settings and ensure that you have the required setup to

receive notifications of important actions being taken on your account. Beware of

phishing. Our Online Platform never asks you to verify sensitive information via

email. Submit such information only when completing an order on our website,

registering to sell on Our Online Platform or updating account information in

Seller Central.

If your account has been compromised

If you believe your Online Platform account has been compromised, follow the steps


 Change your Seller Central login password.

 Review the following information in your account to determine if any changes

have been made:

-Email address preferences

-Payment information

-User permissions

- Listing and condition notes

 Your email account might have been compromised as well. Consider changing the

email address associated with your account and use a different password for your

email account.

 If you receive emails or links that you suspect are phishing attempts, report them

to . For more information, refer to this help page.

 Contact Seller Support to report that your account has been compromised

Why isn't my bank account information accepted?

Here are some common reasons why bank account information is rejected:

 You have entered an incorrect bank account number. Check the number using a

cheque and re-enter. You have entered the incorrect account type. Choose the correct account type that

you have with your bank.

Note: All three account types — Current, Savings and Overdraft, are accepted as

account types.

 You have entered an incorrect IFSC code. Please contact your bank to get the correct

IFSC code.

 You have entered an incorrect beneficiary name. Please ensure the name matches

what your bank has on record.

 Your bank is not located in India. Only accounts from banks located in India that

support payments via NEFT/RTGS are accepted.

Category, product and listing restrictions

Certain products cannot be listed or sold on our online platform. Some products may

not be listed as a matter of compliance with legal or regulatory restrictions (for

example, prescription drugs).

Our Online platform policies also prohibit specific types of product content. Sellers are

expected to conduct proper research to ensure that the items posted to our website

are in compliance with all applicable laws. If we determine that the content of a

product detail page or listing is prohibited, potentially illegal, or inappropriate, we

may remove or alter it without prior notice. Online platform policy reserves the right

to make judgments about whether or not content is appropriate.

Excluded Products List

"Excluded Products," means:

 Cigars, cigarettes, tobacco or other products containing tobacco and alcohol;

 Firearms and all associated parts, kits and ammunition; realistic imitation

firearms; air weapons, air guns, BB guns and airsoft guns which are illegal

and/or illegal to sell via the Internet; spear guns; crossbows with a barrel;

mace; black powder and all explosives; offensive weapons;

 Any prohibited drug;

 Any live animals

 Products made of or containing any or part of any plant or animal, the sale,

storage, import or export of which is prohibited or regulated, such as, for

example, endangered species, elephant ivory, coral, sea turtle shells, most

reptile skins;

 Any product that contains other ingredients that are prohibited, restricted or

regulated under applicable law;

 Products containing prohibited images of children and any other violent,

offensive, obscene or sexual content that is unlawful;

 Products that cannot be lawfully shipped to or sold in India;

 Products that infringe another party's Intellectual Property Rights;

 Foreign brand product

 Product manufactured outside India

Consequences for Violations

Listing of products in violation of our policies or violation of applicable laws and

regulations may result in actions, such as:

 Cancellation of listing Limits on listing privileges

 Suspension of listing privileges

 Removal of your listing privileges

 Termination of your agreement; or

 Informing the relevant governmental, legal and regulatory authorities for necessary


Our Online platform reserves the right to make judgments in its sole discretion about

whether or not a listing is appropriate and whether the same is in contravention of our


Product safety and compliance

Customer safety is of paramount importance. We aim to ensure that customers can be

confident in finding a comprehensive selection of relevant products from sellers without

having to worry about product safety, quality or reliability. We also aim to ensure that

each qualified seller can offer the appropriate products for sale, with real-time approval

to sell.

Product Detail Page Rules

Customers will first learn about your offers on a product detail page. The policies below

ensure each product detail page covers a single unique item. This helps give customers

a clear and consistent buying experience. In general, you will need to:

 Understand and comply with our policies on product safety and compliance

 Comply with any relevant style guides and refrain from using HTML, JavaScript,

or other code.

 Exclude inappropriate content such as obscene or offensive materials, links or

contact information, plot spoilers, reviews or requests for reviews, and


 Accurately categorize and describe your products.

 Create new detail pages for new products or versions.

 Refrain from creating duplicate pages for a product that already has a detail


 Only create valid "variations" that relate to the primary product

Policies for adding detail pages

 You cannot add details which infringe upon the IP rights of other parties or


 You must not use false product identification information in product detail page

 You must not use product detail pages to cross-merchandise or cross-promote a

different product.

 You must provide only information that pertains to the features of the product in

general, not the condition of your particular item. Product detail pages may be

used by any other seller to list the same product.

Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions

Seller Rules are established to maintain a selling service that is safe for buyers and

fair for sellers. Failure to comply with the terms of the Seller Rules can result in

cancellation of listings, or the removal of selling privileges.

General guidelines

Unauthorised and improper business names:

Your business name (identifying your business entity on Online platform) must be a

name that: accurately identifies you; is not misleading; and that you have the right to

use (that is, the name cannot include the trademark of, or otherwise infringe on, any

trademark or other intellectual property right of any person). Furthermore, you can't

use a business name that contains an email suffix such as .com, .net, .biz and so on.

Unauthorised and improper invoicing:

Sellers must ensure that the tax invoice is raised in the name of the end customer

who has placed an order with them. The tax invoice should not mention our online

platform as either a seller or a customer or buyer. Please note that all products listed

on our online platform are sold by the respective sellers to the end customers and our

online platform is neither a buyer nor a seller in the transaction. Sellers need to

include the VAT/CST registration number of the shipping state in the invoice. Sellers

who do not have a VAT/CST registration number and are dealing exclusively in

exempted goods like Books or Fabrics/Textiles (unstitched) are exempted from

including VAT and CST registration numbers in their invoice.

Inappropriate email communications

All seller email communications with buyers must be courteous, relevant and

appropriate. Unsolicited email communications with users, email communications

other than as necessary for order fulfilment and related customer service and emails

containing marketing communications of any kind (including within otherwise

permitted communications) are prohibited.

Appropriate treatment of customer phone numbers:

Online platform provides Professional sellers who fulfil their own orders access to

customer phone numbers so that they can comply with carrier label requirements

Proper treatment of customer phone numbers:

o Print on labels to comply with carrier requirements.

o Dispose of any customer phone number data that you retain after you have

processed the customers' orders.

o Monitor who in your organisation has access to customer phone

numbers—protecting this data is your responsibility.

 Improper treatment of customer phone numbers:

o Never contact a customer using their phone number. To contact a customer about

their order, only use Buyer-Seller Messaging

o Never share customer phone information with an external party.

o Never pass along customer information of any kind, including phone numbers,

outside of Buyer-Seller Messaging.

Direct email addresses

Buyers and sellers may communicate with one another via the Buyer-Seller Messaging

Service and avoid direct contact;

Drop Shipping Policy

Drop shipping, or allowing a third-party to fulfill orders to customers on your behalf, is

not acceptable unless it is clear to the customer that you are the seller of record. 

 Purchasing products from another online retailer and having that retailer ship

directly to customers, if the shipment does not identify you as the seller of record or

if anyone other than you (including the other online retailer) appears on packing

slips, invoices, or external packaging, it is strictly prohibited without exception, or

 Shipping orders with packing slips, invoices, external packaging, or other

information indicating a seller name or contact information other than your own is

also strictly prohibited

If you intend to fulfill orders using a drop shipper, you must always:

 Have an agreement with your supplier that they will identify you (and no one else) As

a seller of your products on all packing slips, invoices, external packaging, and other

information included or provided in connection with the products;

 Remove any packing slips, invoices, external packaging, or other information

identifying a third-party drop shipper prior to shipping the order;

 Be responsible for accepting and processing customer returns of your products;

Payment Cycles

Vendor are eligible to get paid for the order 7 days after the order is delivered. Ensures

payment for your sales (minus the Seller fees) either deposited securely into your bank

account or paid in cash to the vendor.  Eligbile sellers will also receive options for faster

payment cycles.

Returns, Refunds and Replacements

1. Customer may returns for most items you buy from the sellers listed from online

platform However, you can only return items explicitly identified as "returnable" on the

product detail page and/or our policy and within the ‘return window’ period

2. Return will be processed only if: 

o it is determined that the product was not damaged while in your possession;

o the product is not different from what was shipped to you;

o the product is returned in original condition (with brand’s/manufacturer's box, MRP tag

intact, user manual, warranty card and all the accessories therein).

3. Products may not be eligible for return in some cases, including cases of buyer's

remorse such as incorrect model or color of product ordered or incorrect product


4. Products marked as "non-returnable" on the product detail page cannot be returned.

5. No additional information is required to return an eligible order unless otherwise noted

in the category specific policy.

6. Products may be eligible for replacement only if the same seller has the exact same

item in stock.

7. If the replacement request is placed and the seller does not have the exact same

product in stock, a refund would be issued to youReturn Guidelines

 Your address and the item that you wish to return must be eligible for return

 Once the return is received in accordance with refund policy issue refund to

original payment method.

 For Pay on Delivery orders, refunds will be processed either to your bank account

(via National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT))


If the item you ordered arrived in a physically damaged/ defective condition or is

different from their description on the product detail page, or has missing parts or

accessories, it will be eligible for a free replacement as long as the exact item is available

with the same seller.

Terms and Conditions for Selling Digital Products on Our Platform WAINSY:

1. Seller's Rights and Ownership:

   a. By listing and selling a digital product on our platform, the seller represents that they have the necessary rights, ownership, and permissions to sell the product.

   b. The seller retains full ownership and copyright of their digital product and grants our platform "" a non-exclusive, worldwide license to host, display, market, and promote the product on our platform.

2. Listing and Pricing:

   a. The seller is responsible for accurately describing the digital product, including title, description, features, specifications, and any other relevant information.

   b. The seller has the authority to determine the price of the digital product and may adjust it at their discretion within the parameters set by our platform.

3. Intellectual Property Rights:

   a. The seller acknowledges that they are solely responsible for ensuring that their digital product does not infringe upon any intellectual property rights of third parties.

   b. The seller agrees not to list or sell any digital products that infringe upon copyrights, trademarks, patents, or any other intellectual property rights.

4. Prohibited Content:

   a. The seller agrees not to list or sell any digital products that contain or promote illegal, harmful, or offensive content, including but not limited to hate speech, pornography, violence, or discrimination.

   b. Our platform reserves the right to remove any listings or suspend seller accounts for violating this provision.

5. Royalties and Payments:

   a. The seller agrees to the royalty structure and payment terms set forth by our platform, including the percentage of revenue earned from each sale of the digital product.

   b. Our platform will provide regular reports and payments to the seller in accordance with the agreed-upon payment schedule.

6. Content Moderation:

   a. Our platform reserves the right to review, approve, or reject any digital product listings at our discretion, including content that violates our guidelines, infringes upon intellectual property rights, or breaches applicable laws.

   b. The seller acknowledges that our platform may take down or remove their digital product listings if they violate our policies or if legal concerns arise.

7. Indemnification:

   a. The seller agrees to indemnify and hold our platform harmless from any claims, damages, liabilities, or expenses arising from the sale or distribution of their digital products, including any copyright infringement, violation of intellectual property rights, or customer disputes.

8. Termination:

   a. Either party may terminate this agreement by providing written notice to the other party.

   b. Upon termination, the seller's digital product listings will be removed from our platform, but previous sales will be honored according to the agreed-upon payment terms.

9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

   a. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].

   b. Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in [Jurisdiction].